Loc. Pievescola - 53031 Casole d'Elsa (Siena) Italy - tel. / fax :0577 96.00.71 mobile phone: 333 - 697.59.79 / 320 - 68.74.794 

e-mail:  info@torredoganiera.it -Behördliche Genehmigungen

F Home Page ; aktuelle Position: Monteguidi -> Pievescola


Visualizza Pievescola - Monteguidi in una mappa di dimensioni maggiori

From Monteguidi the road runs along the ridge of the hills.

The hills of Monteguidi

Cereal cultivation, field under pasture and stands of trees characterise a landscape...


...marked by brief lines of hills which separate small valleys through which run water courses.

The hills

On the tops of the hills the fortified towns stand out, on the left you can see the walls of Casole...

The fortified towns

...while on the right there is the walled town of Radicondoli.

The town of Radicondoli

A little after you can enjoy the wide open panorama of the Val d'Elsa...


Val d'Elsa

...while leaving Mensano clinging to a steep hill you leave the Val di Cecina.


A little after Mensano, the sparse settlement of Pievescola comes into view at the feet of Montagnola. The road descends for a few kilometres with steep curves which cut throigh
a wood of Turkey oaks and Ilex-treesoaks.


On the left side of the road for Pievescola on a ridge appears the tower
of the Vergene, partly covered with vegetation...


The tower of  Vergene

...Further in the distance on the slopes of the Montagnola you can make out the ancient
town of radi and, nearby you can see the white tower of Palazzo al Piano.

Tower of Palazzo al Piano

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